Raising Goslings on The Grassy Knoll Farm

Photo May 20, 4 57 02 PM.jpg

Ella and I have been thoroughly enjoying raising the two goslings we found on the farm a number of weeks ago. They are growing by leaps and bounds, but are still cute and snuggly with both of us. We take them for walks, for swims in the kiddy pool and often let them wander around the house with us. 

My favorite moment with these two happened just this afternoon. We were enjoying some time in the yard, with the setting sun, always watchful to the skies for hawks (we saw two this afternoon circling) when the two goslings wandered over to sit at Ella's feet. I am amazed by their total trust in us. We scoop them up and walk around with them. We plop them down in the pool. Sometimes Ella carries both of them at the same time in her arms so she can quickly get to where they all need to go. All the while, these birds are trusting, still and quiet as we move them about. It is quite remarkable.

We have bonded with these two little loves. We have named them Gossie and Gertie after one of our favorite children's books about goslings.  It will be very difficult to see them go, but they are wild animals, and should return to the wild. We have already starting talking about how to release them, once they are able to care for themselves and protect themselves. They still require the warmth of the heat lamp at night, and need our protection against flying predators. Once their real feathers come in, and they are able to fly away to escape the clutches of hungry predators, then we need to find them a goose family to live with. Luckily we live in such a wonderfully beautiful place where wildlife outnumbers people. I am sure we can find a lovely new home for them. For right now, we will continue to practice being gosling mommas and love and protect these little guys. And I will continue to fill your Instagram and Facebook feeds with adorable pictures!