Writing and writing and writing!

While the skiers ski down beautiful slopes all over the Northeast, I fill my cup with my morning coffee and write. I take a walk with a friend, then I write some more. I stumble over how to start the next chapter, yet I keep coming back to it. I can honestly say this is working. My goal to write everyday is working, my goal to write the book is coming to fruition. It is hard, yes, at times. It is rewarding to see all of the words flow. It is unique in that I have never written anything this big before. Papers in college, yes, and many of them! But, this coming back to it over and over. Mulling it over, thinking about new things to add to each chapter. This returning to it again and again, by almost instinct. I don’t even think about what I want to do for the day when the skiers leave in the early dawn. I write. I am listening and aware. I am open to synchronicities and they keep appearing. I am open to allowing myself to do exactly what I need to be doing in the moment, and consistently, I come back to writing.

As I write I am also trying things out. My wellness journey is far from complete. Believe me, I am not done yet. I have so many things that I want to do with my wellness, so many opportunities. I am currently practicing fasting and how that intersects with my life. While fasting may not be for everyone, the more I read and research about it, the more it feels right to me. Training my mind to be ok, training my body to know that food is coming, just a litte later has been interesting. There is so much research and literature out there that discusses the benefits of fasting- and I know that I need to be healthier. And, if I forgot to mention, this is the year of me- so it was one of the things that I really wanted to explore this year.

I am so grateful for this time with myself in order to do this work. It hardley feels like work. The words just come out. In the end is it going to be something? My inner critic tells me at least once a day it is not going to be good enough, but yet, I keep writing. In a way, I am trying to squlech her. Silence her with all the words I write.

For today, a quick blog after doing some additions to the book.

Be Well, Enjoy the weekend, and get into flow!


New Bunny Rabbits in time for Spring!

I hardly ever use the blog as a means of selling anything, but these little rabbits are so gosh darn cute, I have to tell you all about them. A new pattern from Oak and Marlow (@oakandmarlow), I was intrigued by their long arms, legs and ears. I found this beautiful merino wool yarn at one of my favorite shoppes in Newcastle, Maine and knew that I must quickly crochet a few in time for Easter. The pictures turned out pretty cute, but in person these guys are so snuggly and adorable, they are hard to resist!

Head on over to The Grassy Knoll Farm website to purchase yours soon! They are going to go fast!

Enjoy and be well,


Synchronicities Abound!

While I was recently contemplating the book I am supposed to write and creating the outline for how I would write, an extraordinary thing happened. The musings for this book have been rattling around my brain for quite sometime, as you know, and the act of putting actual pen to paper- or in this case marker to sticky notes and a large wall sized piece of paper in order to create my outline, demonstrated to the universe of my intention and subsequently, synchronicities appeared that are truly remarkable. 

Recently, I was working from home, a few weeks after the outline was formed and hung on the wall in the office/craft room. I was taking a moment between zoom calls to stare at the outline, I walked over, added a note on a pink sticky note indicating it was a “new idea” and then wandered back to my work computer glancing at my email. My inbox refreshed and there was a message from a professor at a local university- one where I had recently given a celebration address to sophomore nursing students. In her email, she asked if I would be interested in helping her with a project for a book she was working on. I was instantly excited and amazed of the serendipity of her request.

We met a week later, over zoom to discuss the project. Her project would also be connecting stories to thoughts- much like my outline described- connecting my stories to thoughts on wellness and well being. Her intention was to connect new nurses stories with veteran nurse leaders. She described that when she read this particular nurses story, she thought of me, and her heart knew that she had to contact me to work on this project. The synchronicities did not end there. The story she wants my reflection for is based in wellness, again, her heart knew that I would be the perfect nurse leader to write this section. I am humbled and amazed by the things that we put into the universe and how they are returned to us. I now have a connection to not only having a resume building, “I am an author” opportunity, but also will have access to many other nurses who have similar experiences in order to draw more synchronicities and potentially more conversations, connections and opportunities.

Then, I go for a walk with my friend, who among other things has an incredible mind for connections and knowing. A full body and mind kind of knowing. She notices others emotions, even those most subtle. She has a knack for introducing things to you when you need them the most. She shared her project with me at a time when I needed it, but didn’t know it yet. I was able to be in her testing phase of an Aromatic Reading she created that connects the participant to an essential oil blend that assits with something problematic in your life. Through botanical prints, conversation and questions, you, as the participant in this Aromatic Reading chose words and a scent most paired with your needs.

In the Fall of 2023, I participated in such an Aromatic Reading with my friend, and based on some stuck feelings I felt around health and wellness and getting things done, and based on my choosing of certain the botanicals, the words reinvent and yearning emerged which led to an essential oil blend called “Awaken the Dreamer” which my friend had created. Words associated with this blend include passion, vitality, insight, discover and spontaneity. My friend described to me that the blend “inspires the dreamer inside you, encouraging you to aspire and make real your greatest wishes”. It was the perfect scent for me and I enjoyed wearing it for a number of months. I couldn’t say that I felt any different, but what I could say was that I felt good when I had the blend on and often reached for it. Reflecting on the words of passion and insight as well awakened my process for writing my book and I was finding less struggles, more flow and an increased excitement about my work.

We met and chatted about it during a cold winter walk recently. We were both bundled up against the 15 degree temperatures and even lower wind chills. We walked a path I know very well, along the river, enjoying the sun, wind and water. 

I shared the synchronistic story about my meeting with the professor and writing a chapter for her book. We had a wonderful conversation about the power of stories and the power of synchronicity. I put my idea for the book out in the universe by writing my outline and adding to it with Sharpie and Post it Notes. The book was coming alive and the connection with this other author and her own book, so similarly focused on stories and reflection is beyond coincidence. I believe it demonstrates the power of connection and the power of the universe.

My friend shared with me that she has been connecting with podcasters to spread her idea. As I am trying to do with the blog, reach some additional folks with ideas, try them out, see how it goes, practice… she is on the same journey with podcasts. One person reached out to her after seeing a Linkedin post on her aromatic readings and wanted to talk with her. They met over zoom and started a conversation. He was genuinely interested in her subject and wanted to know more about how she knows it is working. She shared with him about my reading. I had chosen the botanicals associated with reinventing and yearning. I had been struggling at the time to get passed the “internal dialogue of my inner critic” and get started with my book. I shared with my friend during the reading that my imbalance area was in health and wellness, and at the time, and now, it is the spot I struggle with the most, making sure I am taking care of myself- mind, body and spirit, during my busy, hectic life. Making sure that I am balanced with the high powered executive level position I have, the business I run with my family and being a mom. I feel stress at getting all of that right all of the time and I often don’t have time to connect with myself and ensure that I am doing ok, that I am balanced.

What she shared with this podcaster was at the time she did my reading, she did not know about the book and the block I was having to getting it out there. Since that reading, she has learned about it, and heard about my journey, and knows that I created the outline and am well on my way. Utilizing the blend, allowing my mind and body to be open to the idea of my book has allowed me to work on it and other things in my life as I have not been able to do before. I shared with her that in the last few months I have been able to work on and accomplish things in my spiritual, financial, professional and personal life in ways I have not been able to before. The synchronicity of my taking part in the reading, her knowing parts of my life, him asking about readings and how they have affected individuals is very meaningful to me and demonstrates that the universe is suggesting-practically kicking us in the butt- that we are on the right path.

This experience is huge.

I am without doubt. All the hard work on my book is for a purpose. I am headed in the right direction.

I am fully engaged and swimming in a brain full of ideas and inspiration because of these meaningful synchroncities.

Connect with my friend, Monselete and her creative session and schedule your own Botanical Reading at https://www.monselete.com/

You will not be disappointed by the reading or your lovely botanical essence created by my lovely friend!

Be Well,


Books I am about to read:

The Stress of Life, Hans Selye

The Ikigai Journey: A Practical Guide to Finding Happiness and Purpose the Japanese Way, Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralies

Synchronicity, C.G. Jung

A convenient, comfortable, community filled space

Originally published on January 19, 2024

We inadvertently created a “Third Place”. We didn’t necessarily set out to create one, but we did. As the Farm Store popularity grew, we noticed a sense of community building. Our customers were looking forward to meeting up with neighbors and friends on Saturday mornings. They asked after each other and made sure they didn’t miss each other when they got to the counter, “Has Dave gotten here yet?”.

A Third Place is a term coined by Ray Oldenburg, an urban sociologist. The term refers to a place beyond your home (first place) or your work (second place) where people gather and interact casually and informally within a community. Our Farm Store is a Third Place for our little community. And, it evolved into an even more meaningful Third Place as we dipped in and out of the COVID-19 pandemic over the last few years.

I like to thing of Third Places as spaces. Spaces in our lives where transitions happen. Spaces that bring us back to nature. When I lived in NYC, I was always looking for bright, outdoor spaces to sit, have a cup of coffee and relax. In fact, I found a little book and had adventures by myself every day when I wasn’t working to seek out the small outdoor spaces in NYC. Spaces in nature can be rejuvenating. Spaces for transitions can do wonders for the soul because it allows your mind the space to accept and move through the transition.

Our Third Space allows visitors to settle into a routine of visiting with others, socializing over a cup of coffee and letting go of the cares of the week and duties of the weekend, if only for a few hours on Saturday morning. A business decision convinced us to push all of the supply of baked goods and coffee to a demand of only one morning- Saturday’s, April through Christmas, mostly for our own wellbeing as owners and operators, but as the time went by, we realized we had created a community of people who join us for the comraderie, the community and the friendships.

Our little community helps support one of our members goals to create more natural spaces and preserve nature with her work on Earth Day and other special nature events.

Our little community helps support our members who have fallen ill with meal trains. and support.

Our little community celebrates life’s biggest moments together.

This Third Space is more than just friendships. It is a community of people who take care of each other. This Third Space is a space for letting go. The comfortable community feel invites socialization, meeting and greeting of others, it is a transition into the weekend space, leaving behind the work week, commiserating about the work week, but then letting it go and discussing fun things that are happening in our lives.

While we have inadvertently created this Third Space for our community, you can create a Third Space for yourself! Thinking through some action steps to help you plan for your own third space, I’ve included some thoughts below. I thought this was fun, because most of us just flow from one part of our lives, work, to the other, home and back again without much conscious thought about the transition that is occurring, While our Farm Store has created that space for transition into the weekend, a sacred time to our customers to relax, rejuvenate with friends, and slowly start the weekend, you can create a third space in between work and home, in between working from home and transitioning to home activities, in between caring for a child or elderly parent and then caring for your self. Anytime there is a transition, creating space for you to blend into the new is a good time for breathing and preparing.

  1. Identify your “modes”. When are you working? When do you want to signal a change to something other than working? When do you relax? Where do you like to find rest?

  2. Create an action plan. How will you best use the space and time during the transition? Our Farm Store customers have chosen to bring their families, sit around the fire pit, meet and greet new friends and old ones too. Sure, they are shopping in the store and buying a morning pastry and coffee, but it is more than that. Way more.

  3. Pick a ritual. Make the moments be something you love. Our Farm Store customers choose to spend Saturday mornings at the Farm as a way to start their weekend, it is a habit they have formed and they stick to it, every weekend, and miss it when we close for the winter (we miss it too by the way!). Making the ritual a habit will take a little bit of time (about 14 days or so), but once created, it will allow for that transition space to be filled with something you love to do. Getting out of the house on Saturday before the chores of the weekend start, sharing some laughter over a cup of coffee is the ritual we have helped our community create. Our Farm Store customers are our friends and neighbors and have chosen to spend their Third Space time with us.

  4. Use a specific location, inside or outside of your home. Whenever you want the ritual to take place. Once you are in that space and location allow your mind to clear of the events, stressors and emotions of the day. What’s great about our Third Space and has been for all of the pandemic is the seating is outside- sometimes we are huddled under the tents and umbrellas when it is raining and other times we are securing places under the tree and table umbrellas for shade from the hot summer sun. The space is set up for relaxing and staying a while even though it is outside.

  5. Reflect on your day. This is a great time for gratefulness, sharing openly with others, journaling or just thinking about three things that you are grateful for. While our customers may not do this step while they are socializing, there is comraderie and shared experiences that have everyone saying “See you next weekend” when they are leaving.

  6. Stick with it. Create the habit, continue to study and adjust your practice so it complements your day and helps you transition to the next best thing. Our Farm Store customers are regulars, we love seeing them each weekend and miss them when they are absent.

  7. Find an anchor. This can be a buddy who is in this third space with you, or can be a mindfulness technique you utilize to help you stay in that space of calmness. You don’t have to face the transition alone, you can chose to be in the space with others for socialization, friendship and community. We’ve noticed families interacting with other families, friends meeting up at the Farm Store, even folks coming to see us in particularly.

Recommended Reading and References

New York’s 50 Best Places to Find Peace and Quiet, Allan Ishac


www.the shine app.com

Jeffres, L. W., Bracken, C. C., Jian, G., & Casey, M. F. (2009). The Impact of Third Places on CommunityQuality of Life. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 4, 333–345. https://doi.org/10.1007/ s11482-009-9084-8

Write Everyday This Week

The first week of “write everyday” went very well! I did some blogging, some journaling and some correspondence. I feel relieved that I was able to manage a week at work with writing everyday, and have fun while doing it! There are definitely some benefits to even writing a little bit each day. I have managed to inspire Ella- she is writing too! We currently have dueling Ipads going, each with our own mini keyboards wondering why our wrists are a little sore… I am also finding that journaling and thinking is doing my brain some good as well. Without the need to get ready for the Farm Store and Bakery each weekend, there is some down time to think of other things, begin planning for the farm, bakery and store for next year, and for just planning for LIFE in general. There is a kind of slowness that develops in the winter mornings. A wistful, vacation feel to the weekends now that does not exist during our busy times in the season. I am grateful for wandering winter walks, a second cup of coffee and taking it slow in the morning. For sure.

This week I wanted to blog about Espresso. Not only did I want to read up a little on the history of espresso, but I also wanted to start practicing making espresso, so thought blogging might be a nice way of pulling it all together. First, why espresso? Well, we want to add espresso and espresso drinks to the Farm Store coffee offerings. We gathered a number of new roasts from our favorite Rock City Coffee the last time we were in Maine, and we have been tinkering with our new Breville Espresso machine to find the right timing, grind and tamper to create the most perfect of coffee drinks, the robust espresso.

As I was reading on the history of espresso, basically all you need to know is that as a method of preparation of coffee, the espresso was created and cultivated primarily to reduce the brew time so that busy people do not need to wait for their coffee. While part of the ambiance and experience at the Farm Store is waiting for your Pour Over Coffee to brew, some of our customers have asked for espresso and espresso based drinks, and being a girl that loves to accommodate (and also loves espresso) I was more than happy to oblige!

We will still brew pour over coffee- we have our diehard fans and faithful customers who come for pour over coffee- we actually introduced that to many of our customers- sharing tips and tricks, the equipment we use and the right grind to achieve the perfect cup. We want to branch out- be able to fix other types of drinks for those who really like espresso drinks. So, we bought a Breville right before Christmas, read the directions, tinkered for a while funding the right grind time, the right grind size and the right tampering and viola! We figured it out! The perfect espresso in a pretty little demitasse cup!

The tampering of the grinds was originally my nemesis as I started to practice. Getting it just right, to the right amount of pressure was tricky, but I have the right grit now, the right muscle strength and I know what the grind cake looks like and feels like, so now the pressure dial achieves the correct pressure as the water pushes through the cake. A perfect brew in a perfect little cup. It is pure magic.

Illy’s definition of espresso is also magical:

A jet of hot water at 190-200 F passes under a pressure of nine or more atmospheres through a seven gram cake like layer of ground/tamped coffee. Done right, the result is a concentrate of not more than 30ml of pure sensorial pleasure.

I am excited to be able to offer espresso drinks to our customers this spring. Now on to creating the menu of available drinks!

Thanks for joining me on this writing journey! There is certainly more to come!

Be Well,


Write Everyday

Good morning January 2nd! Writing everyday has begun! Day 2. Authors make this look easy, but I don’t think that it is. It is a disciplined sport. Unlike reading. Reading is calming, you can pick it up at will, put it down when you need a break. Hell, some people even stop reading altogether if the book doesn’t quite meet their whim and fancy! I’m a die hard when it comes to reading- I rarely put a book down simply because it wasn’t what I expected. I give it my all because I know the writer has done so as well.

But writing… well this is different. I think to make my mark in the world, I need to be actively writing and moving towards the goal of writing the book. I think this takes patience, diligence and a lot of writing. Making my mark in the world is not really the goal of this book, but it is something that I feel I need to give to the world. I am not sure why or how, but the idea of this book and it’s contents keeps coming to me over and over again. Do these ideas come to us, multiples of us at once and then sometimes people act on them and other times they don’t? If an idea never comes to fruition, does it keep circling looking for someone else to inspire? If this idea keeps swirling around me, I feel like I need to give it a shot and see how it goes. I know what you are thinking, “come on already you have been talking about this for a year, just write and publish it already!!!!”

So, here is where we are right now. I’m going to write everyday, here or in my journal. You may want to come along for the journey, but it is ok if you don’t.

I am dusting off the outline of the book this weekend and will get some miles on getting that completed and ready. Ready for what? Well, as clever as I am, I know that even when writing a five paragraph essay, you need a good outline. It is almost there! I can feel it.

Then, the hard part. The discipline of writing everyday so that I write all the words for the book.

I’ll get it done. I know I have to.

Be well with whatever new year inspirations you have cooking!


Happy 2024!

I am simply amazed another year has gone by. Rethinking the year gone by, watching everything around me, I am forced to reckon with the goals I set for myself and what worked and what didn’t. Not in a mean girl kind of way, though my inner critic is sometimes very critical, rather in an embracing, “how can we do even better next year” kind of way. Isn’t this what we all do at this time of year? Take stock. Write new goals. Make commitments to create healthier habits. Take a good look at our personal finances.

Ok, so taking stock. How close did I get to my goal last year of writing a blog per week?

33. 33 out of 52. That’s 63.5%.

Not to shabby for my first year of blogging. To be truthful, the summertime got very difficult. My day job as a hospital executive doesn’t slow down in any season, and our farm store and bakery business takes off in the summertime.

Big time.

This was our tenth year in business and for the first time this year we did not take off any Saturdays during the summer. A few days off here and there in the middle of the week, but no long breaks and certainly no closing of the farm store on Saturdays until the fall- one wedding weekend and a soccer tournament (Ella’s team won!). So, the blogging went to the wayside. However, my book creation/side gig was going strong. An outline was beginning to form in the fall months, with more research and note taking. I am almost ready!

How about some of the other things I am proud of this year?

  1. Finding a commuting partner to our day jobs in Bridgeport. We drive together two to three times per week. The stress of driving has reduced by over half. I no longer try to beat Wayz. Instead of trying to beat everyone else up and down Rte. 8, we debrief, we plan, we chat.

  2. Losing ten pounds. I want and need to be healthier in this space, but this is an awesome start!

  3. Reconnecting with friends from college. Albeit for a sad, tragic reason, however, sometimes things happen for a reason- we were meant to reconnect again, at this time and place.

  4. Starting the outline for my book. Chapters and themes are really taking shape.

Now, back to the new year, back to the start of 2024. Goals for this year anyone?

I’m thinking about these for starters:

  1. Write the book.

  2. Be healthy and happy.

Simple, right? Not quite.

In order to accomplish the above, here are the daily habits I am going to form.

  1. Write everyday.

  2. Incorporate a daily, small, healthy change which contributes to my emotional, professional, financial, social or physical wellness and wellbeing.

Seems like a good way to start the year.

Happy New Year! Espressos for everyone! (We are practicing espresso for our NEW addition for the farm store this coming Spring!) Don’t worry, we are using decaf to practice! LOL 😆

Be well,
