Happy 2024!

I am simply amazed another year has gone by. Rethinking the year gone by, watching everything around me, I am forced to reckon with the goals I set for myself and what worked and what didn’t. Not in a mean girl kind of way, though my inner critic is sometimes very critical, rather in an embracing, “how can we do even better next year” kind of way. Isn’t this what we all do at this time of year? Take stock. Write new goals. Make commitments to create healthier habits. Take a good look at our personal finances.

Ok, so taking stock. How close did I get to my goal last year of writing a blog per week?

33. 33 out of 52. That’s 63.5%.

Not to shabby for my first year of blogging. To be truthful, the summertime got very difficult. My day job as a hospital executive doesn’t slow down in any season, and our farm store and bakery business takes off in the summertime.

Big time.

This was our tenth year in business and for the first time this year we did not take off any Saturdays during the summer. A few days off here and there in the middle of the week, but no long breaks and certainly no closing of the farm store on Saturdays until the fall- one wedding weekend and a soccer tournament (Ella’s team won!). So, the blogging went to the wayside. However, my book creation/side gig was going strong. An outline was beginning to form in the fall months, with more research and note taking. I am almost ready!

How about some of the other things I am proud of this year?

  1. Finding a commuting partner to our day jobs in Bridgeport. We drive together two to three times per week. The stress of driving has reduced by over half. I no longer try to beat Wayz. Instead of trying to beat everyone else up and down Rte. 8, we debrief, we plan, we chat.

  2. Losing ten pounds. I want and need to be healthier in this space, but this is an awesome start!

  3. Reconnecting with friends from college. Albeit for a sad, tragic reason, however, sometimes things happen for a reason- we were meant to reconnect again, at this time and place.

  4. Starting the outline for my book. Chapters and themes are really taking shape.

Now, back to the new year, back to the start of 2024. Goals for this year anyone?

I’m thinking about these for starters:

  1. Write the book.

  2. Be healthy and happy.

Simple, right? Not quite.

In order to accomplish the above, here are the daily habits I am going to form.

  1. Write everyday.

  2. Incorporate a daily, small, healthy change which contributes to my emotional, professional, financial, social or physical wellness and wellbeing.

Seems like a good way to start the year.

Happy New Year! Espressos for everyone! (We are practicing espresso for our NEW addition for the farm store this coming Spring!) Don’t worry, we are using decaf to practice! LOL 😆

Be well,
